Wildfires have increased dramatically during the past decade, and loss exposure will likely grow as the wildland-urban interface (WUI) and other high-hazard areas are further developed.
With a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of wildfire, you can be more proactive in preparing for and responding to wildfires.
Explore Verisk’s solutions for reducing the risk and impact of wildfires.
Understand the scope and implications of severe weather and catastrophes as they happen.
Understand your exposure to extreme wildfire risk, including factors that drive fire ignition and spread.
Analyze and manage address-level wildfire risk and assess community mitigation.
View footprints and track extreme events with real-time data analytics.
Get ahead of the damage with insights from real-time weather data feeds to improve operational performance and decision-making.
This GIS mapping and analytics tool helps you evaluate, understand, and respond to the impacts of significant weather-related risks and events.
Learn more about the Verisk solutions that can help you mitigate your wildfire risk.
Insights and data analytics you need for natural hazards and response.
Insights and data analytics you need for mitigating tropical cyclone risk.
Insights and data analytics you need for mitigating hail and severe thunderstorm risk.