Demand package review is a complex task requiring diligent attention to voluminous medical records. Too often, valuable time is lost to the unproductive tasks of record sorting and organizing. Further, there is a known (and growing) talent gap in the insurance industry, creating increased challenges in effectively reviewing demand packages and formulating targeted responses.
Good news! The rise of responsible artificial intelligence (AI) tools now provides insurers with unique opportunities to streamline record review, ensuring consistent and more accurate settlement offers. Join our upcoming webinar and see how Verisk solutions, Discovery Navigator and Liability Navigator, integrate to simplify demand package review, offering actionable insights and better results.
Claims managers; Risk managers; Adjusters; Nurse Reviewers; Physicians; Nurse Case Managers; Administrative Staff; Attorneys; Paralegals; Insurers (bodily injury claims including general liability, auto liability, WC and excess); Third-Party Insurers; Self-Insured Employers; Law Firms
Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024
Kate Riordan
Director of Automation Initiatives
Casualty Solutions, Verisk
Tamara Flinn
VP Product Casualty Solutions
Casualty Solutions, Verisk
Eric Brandt
Verisk Claims Advisory Board Member
Mark Popolizio, J.D.
VP, MSP Compliance
Casualty Solutions, Verisk