As violations take longer to resolve and volume declines, it’s critical to maximize known data. Violation timelines have increased in the wake of the pandemic.2 Meanwhile, surchargeable violation volume is down from 2019,3—but major and extreme incidents have increased over the same time span.4
Verisk’s new data source can enhance underwriting accuracy and efficiency in personal auto.
1. Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Fatalities for the First Quarter of 2023, U.S. Department of Transportation and National Highway Safety Administration, June 2023; traffic fatalities reached a 20-year high in early 2022, and although the rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled has declined, it remains almost 20 percent higher than the pre-pandemic 2019 baseline.
2.Verisk analysis of court records data, 2013 vs. 2019
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.