Wildfire risk analysis and mitigation are fast-growing priorities for insurers in states exposed to this peril. New regulatory measures are affecting property coverage rating in wildfire-prone areas. Heat, extreme droughts, and altered precipitation patterns push wildfire “seasons” to near year-round. And development in high-risk areas raises potential loss exposure.
FireLine® helps insurers effectively assess wildfire risk one property at a time with detailed, current information.
Location-specific environmental characteristics play a significant role in determining each property’s level of exposure to wildfire.
Mitigation activities are critical to resiliency in the face of wildfire risk. Verisk delivers multifaceted analysis of these activities.
Verisk provides tailored solutions to support insurers’ regulatory compliance efforts in California and other western states.
More than 4.5 million U.S. properties are at high to extreme risk for wildfire, with over 2 million of these addresses in California.
Examine property-specific risk factors such as vegetative fuels, terrain/slope, and road access.
Assess structure hardening efforts and defensible space around structures.
Leverage Verisk’s work with multiple community-level mitigation programs and track participation.
Use FireLine to assess properties at high and extreme risk in the 13 most wildfire-prone states—with quarterly and annual model updates.
Apply the results of a unique collaboration among insurers, the fire protection community, and scientific researchers using remote sensing and digital mapping.
Use wide-ranging resources to manage natural hazards in your portfolio.
Get risk-specific, address-level information for every property in your book of business.
Capture address-level risk implications of community fire protection.
Uncover risks and bring application data to life with high-resolution aerial imagery.
Know the health and age of a structure’s major systems to support accurate risk assessment.
Achieve precise and optimized quotes by integrating claims data upfront, plus a new crash report enhancement for auto.