Keep property owners better protected with reliable, component-based, claims-driven replacement cost estimates.
Keep homeowners better protected with replacement cost estimates built on real-world claims and multisource data.
Achieve precise and optimized quotes by integrating claims data upfront, plus a new crash report enhancement for auto.
Uncover risks and bring application data to life with high-resolution aerial imagery.
Comprehensive analyses of historical yield, price, and loss data for crops, forests, and livestock.
Streamline the fraud investigation process with Anti-Fraud One - Government. AF1-Gov is tailored for state bureaus with seamless integration and industry data access.
Measure and monitor enterprise-wide casualty risk to quantify the impact of liability risk accumulations in your portfolios.
Fine-tune your rating process with analytics about a vehicle’s historical information.
Property-specific hail, straight-line wind, hurricane wind, and lightning data to help you verify damage and date of loss.
Tap the profit potential in renewals with timely data that overlays property and homeowner changes.
Identify 50+ vehicle details to price more commercial and specialized vehicles more accurately.
These models deliver enhanced claim scores and reason codes to detect potential fraud and support investigations.
Accurate insurance details, verified information from DMV data, contact information, and brief claims history to ensure precise payment.