Understand and manage fire risk with Verisk Bushfire and Wildfire Models. Verisk models help you estimate potential losses to both individual policies and entire portfolios of properties.
Get a more comprehensive view of bushfire and wildfire risk
Verisk’s probabilistic models go beyond historical data by providing large catalogs of simulated events that incorporate the factors that drive fire ignition and spread.
Conduct more detailed extreme event risk assessments
High-resolution fuel, wind, vegetation, and topographic data improve risk differentiation.
Evaluate the impact of correlation
The Australian bushfire model considers fires’ tendency to cluster in space and time. The US wildfire model considers the probability of a fire in the wildland-urban interface transforming into an urban conflagration.
Improve risk selection and pricing
Verisk bushfire and wildfire models’ vulnerability modules feature damage functions for various construction types and occupancy classes and account for mitigating factors such as fire-resistant roofing and siding.
Features and capabilities
Robust catalogues
The Verisk Bushfire and Wildfire models incorporate 10,000, 50,000 (US Wildfire only, in Touchstone®), and 100,000-year stochastic and account for major historical events.
Insights into the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI)
Verisk Bushfire and Wildfire models explicitly model the factors that drive fire ignition, and an enhanced spread model realistically captures how wildfires propagate in the WUI, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the risk.
Broad support for construction types and occupancy classes
The Verisk Bushfire model for Australia supports damage functions for 44 construction types and 48 occupancy classes. The Verisk Wildfire model for the US supports damage functions for 105 construction classes and 110 occupancy classes.
Account for wildfire smoke
The Verisk Wildfire Model for the United States explicitly models smoke damage, allowing you to understand exposure to wildfire smoke damage outside of the wildfire perimeter.
Related resources
Get insights from the latest scientific research into wildfires and bushfires.
In the case of rare but severe events, historical loss information is often unreliable in assessing future loss potential – that's where catastrophe modeling comes in.