We’ve captured over 170,000 data points for all major makes and models of internal combustion engine vehicles and electric vehicles. We frequently update our extensive registry of vehicle information.
Gain on-demand, customised information about a vehicle’s physical attributes, current status, history of use, insurance rating codes, and risk indicators.
Use our one-stop hub of real-time data enrichments to increase the accuracy and competitiveness of your insurance pricing and improve the customer journey.
Inform your underwriting decisions with accurate vehicle attributes for all makes of electric vehicles.
Whether you insure homes, small businesses, or motor vehicles, data and analytics are critical to setting policy size and measuring the likelihood of claims. Verisk's suite of general insurance underwriting solutions can help you make more informed decisions around pricing and product development.
Gain insight into risks associated with any residential building along with previous claims information and relevant perils exposure at a postcode or address level.
Gain underwriting insights into commercial buildings and their exposures. And understand the businesses you insure—their firmographics and how well they’re managed.