The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that global economic loss would total USD 54 trillion by 2100 with 1.5°C of warming, USD 69 trillion with 2°C of warming, and USD 551 trillion with 3.7°C of warming. As payouts increase, so will the price of protection.
Our climate change solutions help you understand the growing risks and rising losses from physical and liability aspects of climate change, so you can prepare operational and strategic resilience initiatives that meet the needs of all stakeholders.
A near-present view of risk for climate disclosure and ESG reporting combines with specific studies for strategic planning and answering stakeholder questions.
Climate change liability scenarios help pinpoint the sensitivity of your portfolio to liability risks resulting from the changing climate.
Verisk’s atmospheric peril models are updated frequently to reflect the climate change that has already happened.
Climate Change Models help you satisfy the regulatory climate disclosure requirements of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Bank of England’s 2021 Climate Biennial Exploratory Scenarios (CBES), and other regulatory bodies globally.
These projections can help identify the sensitivity of your portfolio and provide a range of possibilities on how future climate change can impact average annual losses (AALs) and other metrics under different socioeconomic scenarios with different climate policies.
Model documentation for atmospheric perils includes a climate change chapter highlighting the consideration of historical trends during model development, the underlying model data, and validation of the model from a climate change perspective.
These indices from Verisk Maplecroft™ help you understand and evaluate the exposure of your operations, supply chains, and investments to climate change-related risks.
Resample a stochastic catalog in Touchstone for stress testing, model validation, and creating your own view of risk.
Our solutions can help you evaluate the risk of climate change across several verticals to plan strategies for resilience and growth.
Measure and monitor enterprise-wide casualty risk to quantify the impact of liability risk accumulations in your portfolios.
Get information on environmental, social, and governance capabilities to give a fuller, more complete picture of global risk.
Our peril/region-specific studies help insurers with strategic planning and answering stakeholder questions.