ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 9, 1999– Insurers now can use the Internet to access ISO ClaimSearchSM, the information system for claims and investigations professionals.
ISO today announced the ability to access the ISO ClaimSearch system via ISOnet®, ISO's Internet delivery vehicle, at AISG InsTech'99, ISO's three-day insurance-technology conference here.
The new service, called ISOnet ClaimSearch, is a key part of ISO's development of the property/casualty industry's long-awaited all-claims system.
"ISOnet ClaimSearch gives insurers an Internet tool they can use to nail insurance cheats," said Richard P. Boehning, ISO's senior vice president. "Fraud is estimated to cost the property/casualty industry more than $20 billion a year, and by providing the Internet platform, ISO has taken a key step in improving the delivery of fraud-fighting information to the industry."
The new platform gives ISOnet ClaimSearch users the tools they need to report and search for claims information in real time. Insurance professionals can use the secure ISOnet website to:
- Query the ISO ClaimSearch all-claims database using names, addresses, Social Security numbers, vehicle identification numbers, or other identifiers. Insurers can perform combination searches to help uncover hidden connections among parties involved in a claim and possible fraud-ring activity.
- Decode vehicle identification numbers (VIN). The ISOnet ClaimSearch system's VIN Decoding assists users in properly identifying vehicles. Through ISO ClaimSearch, ISO's customers can track stolen, impounded, or exported vehicles of all kinds – cars, trucks, buses, and boats.
- Report claims to, and receive search results from, the ISO ClaimSearch database. (This capability will be available by year-end.)
The ISO ClaimSearch system contains information on 140 million bodily injury (liability), property, and auto claims nationwide. More than 36 million claim records are added each year. This claims clearinghouse is a cooperative effort of more than 3,800 insurance companies, self-insureds, and third-party claims administrators.
"Adding the ISO ClaimSearch system to ISOnet reinforces ISOnet's position as a one-stop source for a range of insurance services," Boehning said.
Claims professionals and fraud investigators can access ISOnet ClaimSearch with standard web browsers. The secure website ensures maximum privacy protection for all ISOnet ClaimSearch users. For more information on subscribing to ISOnet ClaimSearch, call 1-800-888-4476.
ISO is the leading source of information about property and liability risk. ISO provides statistical, actuarial, underwriting, and claims information and analyses; consulting and technical services; policy language; and information about specific locations for a broad spectrum of commercial and personal lines of insurance. In the United States and around the world, ISO serves more than 2,900 insurers and reinsurers, as well as agents, brokers, self-insureds, risk managers, insurance regulators, and other government agencies.
Release: Immediate
Giuseppe Barone / Erica Helton
MWW Group (for ISO)
gbarone@mww.com / ehelton@mww.com