Verisk has reached a national milestone with the recording of 7.5 million hydrants in its fire hydrant database. The GIS database — the only one of its kind in the United States — includes the precise location and functionality of every hydrant as well as other static water supply sources. That information is a key component of our Public Protection Classification (PPC®) program, which analyzes the quality of fire protection in thousands of communities around the country. And with annual insured property losses due to fire exceeding $23 billion in the United States,* the availability of operational fire hydrants is essential to reducing loss severity.
Verisk community field representatives go on-site to compile and electronically map the exact positions of fire stations, water sources, and fire protection area boundaries. Insurers, local fire departments, and municipalities in all 50 states rely on the information in the PPC program.
You can get fire protection information through the LOCATION® PPC Service, delivered as a database, online, or through a web service connection. Verisk licenses its PPC information to insurers that, combined, write more than 90 percent of the property insurance in the United States.
Learn more about community hazard mitigation.
*10-year average adjusted for inflation