Verisk's ISO business has received the Distinguished Service Award from the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Inc. (FLASH), a nonprofit organization that works to strengthen homes and safeguard families from natural and man-made disasters.
Commitment to disaster safety
ISO was recognized for its commitment to disaster safety and resilience through the guidance it provides to key stakeholders at the national, state, and local levels and for its Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule program (BCEGS®). The BCEGS program evaluates the adoption and enforcement of building codes, with special emphasis on mitigation of losses from natural hazards.
“ISO’s assessments of building code adoption, enforcement, and overall quality are unparalleled in value as a predictor of future building performance and community survival,” said Leslie Chapman Henderson, president and CEO of FLASH. “Moreover, the professionalism of the ISO team has established it as the premier provider of data of this kind."
ISO works with thousands of building code departments, fire departments, water suppliers, and local officials who look to mitigate risks and make communities safer.
The award was presented at the 2018 National Disaster Resilience Conference in Clearwater Beach, Florida, an annual event that brings together a wide range of experts and focuses on ways to create more resilient buildings and communities.