Beginning today, you’ll notice that Analyze Re has new branding – most notably seen via our new logo and color scheme used throughout our website and across our other properties. Our rebranding is about more than just a logo swap though, so in this post, I’d like to take a few moments to explain what it all means for you.
It’s been just over 18 months since we became a member of the Verisk family of companies – so adopting the Verisk “globe” as part of our new logo represents not only our connection to the distinctives of our parent company, but also reflects the synergies that we have across the larger Verisk organization, and perhaps most notably with AIR Worldwide.
As many of you who are clients of AIR know, we have been busy developing and streamlining the transfer of data from AIR applications into Analyze Re, as well as working to bring in elements of our analytics engine to future releases of Touchstone Re™, AIR’s reinsurance cat modeling platform scheduled for release in late summer.
Even as that work continues, however, Analyze Re remains, first and foremost, a standalone platform that can enable anyone to get additional analytics based on cat and non-cat loss results. So if you rely solely on AIR models, or you are a multi-modeler incorporating your own internal models, or you use third-party models, our goal has always been for Analyze Re to be an objective, model-agnostic technology that provides real-time analytics and artificial intelligence/ machine learning–assisted insights to help the reinsurance industry uncover hidden profits. This goal has not changed.
Oliver, Shivam, and I founded Analyze Re because we felt that there were better, faster ways to incorporate cat and non-cat model output into internal tools to empower real-time decision-making for underwriters, portfolio managers, executives, ILS investors, and others. As part of the Verisk family, we and the whole Analyze Re team look forward to continuing to build on what we started and, together, provide you with access to a comprehensive suite of risk management solutions.
Thank you for your continued support. We are looking forward to innovating with Verisk and solving additional challenges for the greater insurance industry via our technology.
All the best,
Adrian Bentley
Co-founder & Managing Director